Les associés

Une rencontre déterminante

Au début de l’année 2023, Rym Baghouli, croise, pour une mission de conseil, les fondateurs de LYNK HOUSE, leader européen du management de transition dans la finance depuis 2017. Le courant fait plus que passer, ces jeunes entrepreneurs visionnaires ont une conviction commune : la nécessité pour les entreprises de faire appel ponctuellement à des experts, que ce soit pour des missions à caractère financier ou de marketing. 

job mage

Une conversion éclair

Sceptiques au départ, doutant des vertus et de la puissance conjuguée du marketing et de la communication, les dirigeants de LYNK HOUSE, ont laissé Rym Baghouli et ses équipes les conseiller. L’efficacité des stratégies marketing s’est révélée si concluante que seulement quelques mois plus tard, ces trois brillants chefs d’entreprise proposaient à Rym Baghouli, dirigeante de RB EVENT de s’associer avec eux sur un nouveau projet. C’est ainsi que TREND HOUSE est née, éclatante démonstration d’une compréhension mutuelle. Le parcours sans faute de Rym Baghouli et l’expérience en management de transition initiée par LYNK HOUSE, a ouvert la voie à ce cabinet de management nouvelle génération, géré par une spécialiste du marketing et de la communication et trois experts de la transition. 

Le principe d’anticipation

En 2017, Yoël Baranes, Zarko Vasic et Jérôme Duflos, trois anciens experts financiers des Big 4, donnent naissance à LYNK HOUSE. Cette plateforme qui réunit aujourd’hui plus de 800 experts en finance, offre, par un savant mélange de réactivité et de flexibilité, des solutions sur mesure pour relever, les défis financiers. Et si « Trend » signifie bien « tendance » en anglais, l’engagement de ses fondateurs va au-delà du sens superficiel généralement associé à ce mot. Leur vision consiste à façonner l'avenir plutôt qu'à simplement suivre le courant éphémère, ancrant ainsi leur entreprise dans une perspicacité profonde et une anticipation constante des évolutions.

Rym Baghouli, la passion de l’innovation

Tout commence dans un palace parisien, le Meurice, où une jeune diplômée en communication fait ses premiers pas. Elle y apprend les codes du monde du luxe tout autant que les subtilités du marketing. Début d’une trajectoire remarquable, et d’une passion inébranlable pour l'innovation.En 2010, Rym Baghouli qui ne fait jamais les choses à moitié, fonde RBEVENT, une agence à 360° spécialisée dans la gastronomie et le sport de haut niveau. Avec son approche directe et non conventionnelle, avec sa passion communicative, elle attire rapidement l'attention et la confiance de marques prestigieuses comme PSG, Givenchy et Dassault Système.« Dans mon métier, si on ne connaît pas l'humain, on ne peut pas proposer des stratégies marketing efficaces », souligne cette communicante née. Polyglotte, sa pratique courante du français, de l'anglais, de l'espagnol et de l'arabe, insuffle à ses projets une dimension internationale et une compréhension approfondie des besoins des clients.

Depuis presque 15 ans, Rym Baghouli gère seule son entreprise, ses salariés et ses clients. En acceptant la présidence de TREND HOUSE, elle franchit un nouveau pas dans l’excellence de sa carrière professionnelle et renouvelle avec enthousiasme et passion, l’image des femmes dans le monde des entrepreneurs.


Nos clients parlent de nous

Nous sommes reconnaissants à nos clients pour leurs témoignages. Leurs réussites nous motivent à améliorer continuellement notre cabinet et à offrir à chaque consultant la meilleure expérience possible en matière de recherche d'emploi.


Thanks to Job Board, I finally found a career that aligns with my true passion. The platform provided me with a seamless job search experience and connected me with opportunities that I would have never discovered otherwise. I am now thriving in a role that brings me immense fulfillment and joy.

Sarah M.


Job Board has been a game-changer for my professional journey. Their user-friendly interface and personalized job recommendations made the job search process incredibly efficient. I landed my dream job within weeks of using the platform, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

John D.


I highly recommend Job Board to anyone searching for meaningful work. Their vast network of employers and comprehensive job listings helped me explore different industries and find a position that perfectly matched my skills and aspirations. It's truly a one-stop destination for career seekers.

Emily R.


Job Board exceeded my expectations in every aspect. From the moment I created my profile, I received valuable insights and guidance through their career resources. The platform's intuitive search filters allowed me to narrow down my options and discover opportunities that aligned with my desired work environment.

David S.


As a recent graduate, I was overwhelmed by the job market. However, Job Board made the process less daunting and helped me navigate through numerous opportunities. The ability to showcase my skills and experiences on my profile attracted the attention of employers, resulting in multiple interview invitations.

Sophia L.


Job Board understands the importance of finding a fulfilling career rather than just a job. Their platform's emphasis on matching individuals with companies that align with their values and aspirations is commendable. I landed a position at a company that shares my passion for sustainability.

Michael H.


Job Board truly delivers on its promise of unlocking endless possibilities. The platform's AI-powered job recommendations were spot-on. The support and resources available on Job Board helped me land a job that not only utilizes my skills but also fulfills my sense of purpose.

Jennifer W.


Thanks to Job Board, I finally found a career that aligns with my true passion. The platform provided me with a seamless job search experience and connected me with opportunities that I would have never discovered otherwise. I am now thriving in a role that brings me immense fulfillment and joy.

Sarah M.


Job Board has been a game-changer for my professional journey. Their user-friendly interface and personalized job recommendations made the job search process incredibly efficient. I landed my dream job within weeks of using the platform, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

John D.


I highly recommend Job Board to anyone searching for meaningful work. Their vast network of employers and comprehensive job listings helped me explore different industries and find a position that perfectly matched my skills and aspirations. It's truly a one-stop destination for career seekers.

Emily R.


Job Board exceeded my expectations in every aspect. From the moment I created my profile, I received valuable insights and guidance through their career resources. The platform's intuitive search filters allowed me to narrow down my options and discover opportunities that aligned with my desired work environment.

David S.


As a recent graduate, I was overwhelmed by the job market. However, Job Board made the process less daunting and helped me navigate through numerous opportunities. The ability to showcase my skills and experiences on my profile attracted the attention of employers, resulting in multiple interview invitations.

Sophia L.


Job Board understands the importance of finding a fulfilling career rather than just a job. Their platform's emphasis on matching individuals with companies that align with their values and aspirations is commendable. I landed a position at a company that shares my passion for sustainability.

Michael H.


Job Board truly delivers on its promise of unlocking endless possibilities. The platform's AI-powered job recommendations were spot-on. The support and resources available on Job Board helped me land a job that not only utilizes my skills but also fulfills my sense of purpose.

Jennifer W.


Job Board has been a game-changer for my professional journey. Their user-friendly interface and personalized job recommendations made the job search process incredibly efficient. I landed my dream job within weeks of using the platform, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

John D.


Thanks to Job Board, I finally found a career that aligns with my true passion. The platform provided me with a seamless job search experience and connected me with opportunities that I would have never discovered otherwise. I am now thriving in a role that brings me immense fulfillment and joy.

Sarah M.


Job Board exceeded my expectations in every aspect. From the moment I created my profile, I received valuable insights and guidance through their career resources. The platform's intuitive search filters allowed me to narrow down my options and discover opportunities that aligned with my desired work environment.

David S.


I highly recommend Job Board to anyone searching for meaningful work. Their vast network of employers and comprehensive job listings helped me explore different industries and find a position that perfectly matched my skills and aspirations. It's truly a one-stop destination for career seekers.

Emily R.


Job Board understands the importance of finding a fulfilling career rather than just a job. Their platform's emphasis on matching individuals with companies that align with their values and aspirations is commendable. I landed a position at a company that shares my passion for sustainability.

Michael H.


As a recent graduate, I was overwhelmed by the job market. However, Job Board made the process less daunting and helped me navigate through numerous opportunities. The ability to showcase my skills and experiences on my profile attracted the attention of employers, resulting in multiple interview invitations.

Sophia L.


Job Board truly delivers on its promise of unlocking endless possibilities. The platform's AI-powered job recommendations were spot-on. The support and resources available on Job Board helped me land a job that not only utilizes my skills but also fulfills my sense of purpose.

Jennifer W.


Job Board has been a game-changer for my professional journey. Their user-friendly interface and personalized job recommendations made the job search process incredibly efficient. I landed my dream job within weeks of using the platform, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

John D.


Thanks to Job Board, I finally found a career that aligns with my true passion. The platform provided me with a seamless job search experience and connected me with opportunities that I would have never discovered otherwise. I am now thriving in a role that brings me immense fulfillment and joy.

Sarah M.


Job Board exceeded my expectations in every aspect. From the moment I created my profile, I received valuable insights and guidance through their career resources. The platform's intuitive search filters allowed me to narrow down my options and discover opportunities that aligned with my desired work environment.

David S.


I highly recommend Job Board to anyone searching for meaningful work. Their vast network of employers and comprehensive job listings helped me explore different industries and find a position that perfectly matched my skills and aspirations. It's truly a one-stop destination for career seekers.

Emily R.


Job Board understands the importance of finding a fulfilling career rather than just a job. Their platform's emphasis on matching individuals with companies that align with their values and aspirations is commendable. I landed a position at a company that shares my passion for sustainability.

Michael H.


As a recent graduate, I was overwhelmed by the job market. However, Job Board made the process less daunting and helped me navigate through numerous opportunities. The ability to showcase my skills and experiences on my profile attracted the attention of employers, resulting in multiple interview invitations.

Sophia L.


Job Board truly delivers on its promise of unlocking endless possibilities. The platform's AI-powered job recommendations were spot-on. The support and resources available on Job Board helped me land a job that not only utilizes my skills but also fulfills my sense of purpose.

Jennifer W.

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